Thursday, December 15, 2011


Loving the Christmas lights

My dear friend and I took a trip down to our nearest city,
to do a tour of all the houses covered in bling!
We finished the night off, with our ritual Mc D's sundae....
and arrived home at 1am.....hence I'm very tired as I write this!
I am really going to miss her when we leave.... she has been such a great friend over the last 9 years....
but as she reminds me, she can always visit us :)

Loving that although going gluten free is a headache, and wallet drain.... I've surprisingly managed quite well...
with successes like these mini carrot cakes

Why? My youngest boy's blood tests came back positive for gluten intolerance.... we are hoping it will stop his vomiting and reflux....time will tell

Loving my little girls continuing obsession with
gherkins and yoghurt....
not eaten simultaneously

Its never safe in the fridge!

And a big mumma proud loving with my boys at the
final school assembly....

My eldest won a cup for Special Achievement....
hes one bright spark!
My second boy won a classroom award for all his hard effort this year, and the amazing turn around in his learning during the year!
I'm so proud!
And lastly my youngest got a award earlier in the day for his
excellent mathmetics skills and always entertaining the class
My very own class clown! lol

Lastly I'm looking forward to the mad rush of the new year.... new school... new town..... new and better view out my kitchen window,
bring on 2012!

Linking in with Paisley Jade


PaisleyJade said...Best Blogger Tips

Lots of excitement happening at your place - we love those gherkins too!!!

Cat said...Best Blogger Tips

Does this mean you're moving/moved slightly North?

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